
What is a doula?

I started to write a bunch of technical stuff about what a doula does and doesn’t do. A lot of empty words started coming through here. But, the fact of the matter is, a doula serves to empower you. I know that word, empowerment, is thrown around a lot, but that really is our job. Whether we are supporting you mentally, physically or informational, it all leads to the same place-the power to birth with strength, confidence and resolve. To birth without fear.

Our job starts far before you go into labor. A doula meets with you and your partner a couple times before the big event. We are there to listen and answer any questions you may have and if we don’t have the answer, we’ll find it. A doula may help you with exercises to prepare for birth, aid you in writing your birth plan or show your partner how they can enjoy the birth process as well.

Doulas serve as someone you can call if you have doubts or questions. You can call your doula to ask a question that comes up, to get words of strength and reassurance or talk you “off the ledge”.

During your birth, we are there with you. Your doula comes when you need her Your doula comes when you need her. Using emotional, physical and informational support, a doula helps you maintain a sense of control, comfort, and confidence. Doulas may use touch, massage or counter pressure to ease the birthing person. Even the best laid plans have a way of going sideways and a doula can help you understand the process or what a doctor or midwife is saying.

What A doula is not

A doula is not a medical worker. We do not give medical advice, supervise a birth or prescribe any medications. The Doula is there to bridge the gap between medical professionals and expectant parents. They do not make medical decisions, but they do explain medical procedures to the parents when they are necessary.